Create Age Groups:
- e.g., "Can you group our customer ages into categories like 'Under 18,' '18-30,' '31-45,' and 'Over 45'?"
Categorize Sales by Value Ranges:
- e.g., "I'd like to categorize our sales into 'Low,' 'Medium,' and 'High' based on their values."
Group Transactions by Months:
- e.g., "Group our sales transactions by months to see monthly revenue."
Bin Scores into Grade Categories:
- e.g., "Let's categorize student scores into 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' 'D,' and 'F' grades."
Classify Products by Price Ranges:
- e.g., "Categorize our products into price ranges, like 'Affordable,' 'Moderate,' and 'Luxury'."
Divide Inventory Levels into Stock Status:
- e.g., "Create groups for our inventory items, such as 'Low Stock,' 'Moderate Stock,' and 'High Stock'."
Group Data by Geographic Regions:
- e.g., "Let's categorize our sales data into regions like 'North,' 'South,' 'East,' and 'West'."
Bucket Customer Reviews by Sentiment:
- e.g., "Classify customer reviews as 'Positive,' 'Neutral,' and 'Negative' based on their sentiment."
Segment Data by Customer Behavior:
- e.g., "Divide our customers into segments like 'Frequent Buyers,' 'Occasional Shoppers,' and 'One-time Buyers'."